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The Jamaica Muslim Center (JMC) is a non-profit Islamic organization. As Muslims, we have established this organization to pray, increase our Islamic knowledge and provide an Islamic education to our children.

As a parent or guardian, on behalf of my minor child, I give permission for my child to participate in all educational activities at The Jamaica Muslim Center. In case of accidental injury, I agree not sue or hold the Islamic education program or masjid accountable. The Jamaica Muslim Center, Inc. is my organization. If an accident occurs or there is a conflict involving my child, I agree to resolve the issue through mediation by sitting with the Jamaica Muslim Center Executive Committee.

I willingly surrender my right to sue Jamaica Muslim Center, Inc.

If any safety issue comes to my attention, I will immediately discuss it with the Jamaica Muslim Executive committee and find a way to resolve the issue together. Legal disputes tie up limited resources and divide our community- our Muslim ummah.

I agree to release, absolve and hold blameless the Jamaica Muslim Center, Weekend School, its officers, directors, leaders, contracted employees, independent contractors, agents, organizers and volunteers of any and all liability for damage, injury or expense of any kind related to my child's participation at JMC.

Medical Care

I understand that in case of a medical emergency, my own personal medical plan will be used if available; if not, medical aid may be sought while I am being contacted. In the event of any illness or injury, I consent to whatever examination, diagnosis, treatment and hospital care from a licensed dentist, physician and/or surgeons are deemed necessary for my child's safety and welfare.

I understand that the resulting expenses will be my responsibility and not the Jamaica Muslim Center's or any affiliates.

I have read this agreement and agree to the conditions stated above.

Name of Child
Name of Parent / Legal Guardian
Clear Signature
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